5 Common Airport Customer Service Agent Interview Questions & Answers

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: January 17, 2023

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After putting together a great resume and a compelling cover letter, your next order of business is to do great in your customer service job interview. If you’re worried about coming off as nervous and not being able to anticipate what is going to be asked, the best thing to do is research questions and practice before the big day.

What is airline customer service?

Airline or airport customer service involves providing support to airline/airport customers before a flight, during a flight, and after a flight. Typical duties can involve assistance with bookings/reservations, processing boarding passes, and managing check-ins. Attention to detail and expedient problem-solving skills are a must for those interested in airline customer service.

Pro Tip: To learn more about how to showcase skills on your resume, visit our resume samples page

Making a great impression during the interview is the final step to securing the job of your choice. You can find out about the most common types of airport customer service agent interview questions and the best answers along with them.

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How should I dress for an interview at an airport?

You should dress for an interview at an airport in a style that falls between formal and business casual. In most cases, a skirt or slacks, plus a blouse and pumps (or flats), should work for women. For men, slacks and a pressed dress shirt, plus shoes (and not sneakers!) should work.

While most interviews start off with general questions that are found throughout different industries, such as asking about why you want to work there, what you know about the company and so on, there are specific questions that may come up for the airline industry and for jobs dealing with customers. Here are some possible questions and answers that may help during your interview.

Pro Tip: Dress up your resume’s look with a professional resume template

Finding work in customer service is not terribly difficult, but if you want to secure the job with the very best in the airline industry, you must do well in your interview. Getting the right answers for your airport customer service agent interview questions is the first step.

5 Airport Customer Service Agent Interview Questions & Answers

Why is customer service important?

You answer this interview question by explaining the importance of quality customer service, and how quality (or exemplary) customer service can play a huge, positive part in strengthening a company’s reputation and profits. Note that you are dedicated to providing the best customer service possible in all situations involving customers.

Consider a sample answer like this:

I’ve had a great deal of experience working with the general public and delivering customer service. When customers were in need of something, I worked hard to answer their questions, and if I didn’t know the answer, I found someone who did. Essentially, I try to make people feel as though they are welcome, and I listen to customers. When someone is not happy, I simply ask them questions to find out how I can help.

Many people are interested in this job for the perks of travel. Why do you want to be an airport customer service agent?

I have a great deal of enthusiasm for all things related to travel and airplanes. I also want to be part of an industry that helps people make their dream vacations come true. I want to help those who are trying to just get through their day by giving them access to information and a friendly smile. Too many people have a negative view of travel via planes, and I want to help shift that view.

Dealing with passengers may mean that sometimes someone is not happy. Can you give an example of when you satisfied an unhappy customer?

I was working at a restaurant as a server, and I had a table of two individuals. When they started eating, one of the guests noticed that his chicken was undercooked. I apologized profusely and explained that it was an embarrassing mistake. I asked him to let me fix it, and I went back to the kitchen and had them remake his meal. While he was waiting, I gave him a free appetizer to pass the time. When his food was done, I brought it back, and he was impressed. He ate the meal and said he loved it. He thanked me for my service, and I got a big tip. I learned that saying you’re sorry goes a long way.

This position requires extensive interaction with people of all nationalities. How would you rate your communication skills for this job?

I feel I have excellent communication skills. Not only am I able to speak clearly and loudly enough to be heard, I can also easily understand what people are saying. I can also deliver bad news in a kinder and gentler way. Additionally, I am fluent in several different languages other than English, including Spanish, Chinese and French.

As the airline industry is changing, there are different issues and problems that become center stage. What do you think is the biggest challenge for this job?

I think there are several challenges in airport customer service. One of the biggest issues that passengers are struggling with is the increasing amount of security that comes along with air travel. Another challenge involves more restrictive baggage amounts and weight limits. My challenge as a customer service agent is to be able to make guests feel welcome. I think it is important to do whatever I can to help passengers who are stuck in security line delays or have special circumstances.

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