We’re Committed to Accessibility

As seen in:*Foot Note

Just as we at MyPerfectResume are dedicated to giving you the tools, professional advice and knowledge to help you build your career and be successful, we’re also committed to making MyPerfectResume.com accessible to all its visitors, including those with visual and/or other disabilities. We’ve taken steps to ensure that those who solely use a keyboard for navigation, require accommodations for vision-related needs, or use assistive technologies such as screen readers can easily interact with the content and applications on MyPerfectResume.com.

We’ve been guided in these efforts by federal regulations related to the Rehabilitation Act that are designed to make websites more accessible, as well as the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provided by the World Wide Web Consortium. Currently, this site contains some WCAG Level A compliant pages, and we’re working diligently to get it fully upgraded to an AA level of compliance.

Screen reader and browser combinations

To improve your experience with this site, we recommend these screen reader and browser combinations:

  • For Windows users: NVDA and Chrome or Edge
  • For Mac users: VoiceOver and Safari
  • For mobile users: VoiceOver for the iPhone and TalkBack for Android devices

Telephone services

Need more assistance? We provide fully accessible 24/7 telephone service with a trained customer service representative. Call us directly at  (844) 485-4051 for support. You may also reach out to us by email at customerservice@myperfectresume.com.

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