5 Common Customer Service Advisor Interview Questions & Answers

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: December 06, 2022

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Reaching the interview stage of the hiring process is quite an accomplishment, and it takes a well-crafted resume and cover letter to get there. However, your work is not yet done. Interviews are extremely important because they are usually the first personal contact you will have with the people who make the hiring decisions. Solid preparation is necessary to ensure you make a good impression in person.

Some common interview questions are used in every industry and almost every position. For example, most interviews will involve general questions about your background, skills and goals, so you should be able to answer those questions confidently before you arrive at an interview. If you are a customer service advisor, however, you should also be ready to answer questions specific to the industry. The following are some commonly asked customer service advisor interview questions and answers you can study as you prepare for your interview.

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5 Customer Service Advisor Interview Questions & Answers

Can you describe a time when you dealt with a particularly difficult customer and explain how you handled the situation?

In my previous job as a customer service advisor at a rental car company, I once dealt with a customer who became very upset when she failed to meet the qualifications to rent one of our vehicles. The manager was out of the office, so I needed to handle the situation on my own. I politely explained that the rules for qualification were non-negotiable and apologized for the inconvenience, but the customer continued to angrily demand that an exception be made. I remained calm and attempted to help the customer find an alternative means of transportation. The customer responded favorably to this assistance, and I eventually arranged for a cab to pick her up. The customer then thanked me for my courteousness.

Have you ever been part of a customer service failure? If so, describe your interaction with the customer involved and what action you took to correct the failure.

Yes, I have. While working at a coffee shop, I took a drink order for a large group of people. After I gave the last customer his order, one of individuals whose drink I had already given said the drink included an ingredient she had specifically asked to be omitted because of an allergy. Although I didn’t remember hearing the customer mention the allergy, I apologized for the miscommunication and began to remake the beverage. However, I soon realized I had used the last of one of the other essential ingredients for that particular drink. I explained the situation to the customer, who was understandably upset. I apologized again and decided this was an appropriate time to offer a complimentary drink (which I was empowered to offer by my manager). The customer accepted and expressed his appreciation for my attitude, and he remained a loyal customer after the incident.

What do you think is the most important quality for a customer service advisor to possess?

There are many qualities I think are essential, but I believe one of the most important is a respectful and compassionate attitude toward others. I believe that most conflicts can be resolved if the parties involved simply show respect and compassion.

What aspect of customer service do you struggle with the most, and what have you done to improve in this area?

In my first job at a fast food restaurant, my biggest struggle was maintaining an energetic and engaging outward appearance. I was so nervous that I would mess up that I often looked worried or distracted to customers. My confidence grew as I gained experience, and now my personality is one of my strengths.

This position can often be stressful. What are your strategies for dealing with stress on the job and preventing it from negatively impacting your work?

I believe one of the best ways to deal with stress is to develop a culture of teamwork. If every employee takes responsibility for supporting one another and providing assistance when needed, stress is much easier to handle. On a personal level, I have learned to focus only on the things I can control and to not allow the things I cannot stress me out.

After you study the answers given above, practice answering these customer service advisor interview questions with your own unique answers so you'll be ready to ace your next interview.

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