6 Common Accounts Payable Clerk Interview Questions & Answers

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: December 07, 2022

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Writing an eye catching resume and cover letter is the first big step of landing an accounting job. After that’s accomplished, you will have to ace your first face-to-face meeting in order to impress the hiring manager. How can you prepare for this consultation? There are a lot of basic interview questions and best practices you can review as you try to get ready for the meeting. Formulate your own answers to standard questions like, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” and “What do you think of as your greatest strength?”

However, if you really want to rise above the competition, you also have to gather information directly related to being an accounts payable clerk. With these common accounts payable clerk interview questions and answers, you can gain the confidence to present yourself as a winning applicant, giving you the edge you need to get the second meeting and eventually land the job.

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6 Accounts Payable Clerk Interview Questions & Answers

What training or experience do you have that has prepared you for the role of accounts payable clerk?

I have a bachelor’s degree in accounting and am currently pursuing my Certified Bookkeeper designation from the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers. I also spent the last two years as the bookkeeper for my last company, so I feel I am prepared to take on the additional responsibilities required from this accounts payable clerk position.

Have you ever found an invoice discrepancy, and if so, how did you resolve it?

I have found an invoice discrepancy in the past. I was doing a final review of the invoice when I noticed an odd detail with the dates. An earlier date was on a row above a later date, which was very odd at my last job. I decided to pull out the original documents in order to compare the two. This analysis allowed me to realize the date had been entered into the invoice incorrectly. While this may seem like a minor issue, it can lead to troubles during tax review time.

What documents would you use to verify an invoice?

Verifying invoices is an important part of making sure the company is only paying accurate bills. To verify an invoice, I would use a purchase order, receiving report and vendor invoice. I would then compare those three documents to make sure all of them match. If the three documents have the same information, it is a good indication that the bill is valid and should be paid.

Can you explain why integrity plays such a vital role in accounting?

Thank you for asking this important question. Integrity plays a vital role in accounting, and more specifically being an accounts payable clerk, because of the sensitive financial information involved. As an accounts payable clerk, I schedule payments for vendor bills. If I do not act with complete honesty, there is a chance that fraudulent activities will take place. Integrity helps ensure the company’s money goes where it should. Not only that, but I think is it important for honesty to permeate a work environment to give make all employees feel confident in the work being done.

How do you plan to advance your accounting career?

I am excited about the opportunities available at this company and in the position of accounts payable clerk. I know there are more certifications I should pursue if I want to become an accountant. Right now I am working on my Certified Public Accountant designation, which I plan to use should an accountant position open up within the business. Otherwise I will continue to gain experience and knowledge that will help me get an accountant position in the future. I plan on doing this by attending workshops and conferences offered by the company and area accountant schools.

Do you know what it means for a vendor to have a debit balance?

A debit balance is an amount owed. In a banking situation, it could mean that the account holder is overdrawn and owes the bank some money. If a vendor has a debit balance, it means our company has somehow overpaid the vendor company. In most circumstances, our company will either get a credit on our next bill or the vendor company will pay back the amount right away. Because of how t he term is used, some less experienced bookkeepers may end up thinking that more money is owed to the vendors, but this is an incorrect assumption.

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