5 Common Account Executive Interview Questions & Answers

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: April 13, 2022

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After creating a strong resume and cover letter, close the deal and earn a new job by being successful when interviewing. This is the first time hiring managers will be able to gauge your capabilities and work ethic in person, so do not neglect this part of the application process. This is your opportunity to not just confirm the information you included on your resume in person, but to also build a strong connection and create a good impression.

Nearly every interview contains some of the same general interview questions, which you should be expecting and prepared for. To really shine in your interview, you should go one step further. The most important questions you will be asked deal with the position you are pursuing specifically. If you give strong answers to the account executive interview questions, you will have a much better chance of being hired. Take a look at these common questions that deal with the accounting industry to prepare yourself for your interview and know what the best way to answer is.

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5 Account Executive Interview Questions & Answers

Excellent communication skills are at the core of this position. Do you have experience with interpersonal communication in a professional setting?

Actually I believe my previous job dealt with interpersonal communication perhaps even more than the account executive position will. When I was working in sales, I would spend hours at a time doing nothing but talking with clients. Through that experience I gained significant communication skills, so I am not worried about this requirement at all. I was a successful salesperson and gained a reputation for the long-lasting relationships I would build with the customers. You could even say communication was my specialty.

Account executives manage many clients' accounts, meaning they must be very organized. What strategies do you have to keep your work straight?

I’m no stranger to jobs that require strict organizational skills. I’ve managed multiple accounts simultaneously before and I know how important it is to keep the information from each of them separate. To make sure no mistakes are ever made, I’ve made a habit of using spreadsheets to organize all the data associated with different clients. It takes a little extra work, but I end up saving time in the long run, plus I completely eliminate the chance of making a mistake that could influence the opinion a client has of the company.

As a higher position in the accounting department, you will be responsible for overseeing other employees' accounts. What experience do you have in leadership and management that will prepare you for this responsibility?

I have not held an official leadership position, but that does not mean I don’t have experience in management. Because I was a leading salesperson, I was given the opportunity to head up a new calling technique project. I only had four employees working under me, but I really felt that I learned a lot about leadership and managing information indirectly through another employee. I’m confident that I am ready to apply these skills to the account executive position.

Describe your track record in previous jobs, specifically speaking to any mistakes you may have made. There is little room for error in accounting.

When I was working in sales, making a mistake usually just resulted in a lost sale. Even though the consequences are lower, I still understand what is at stake in the accounting department. I can’t deny that I have messed up in a way that affected existing clients a few times, but I’ve always been able to work with them to make sure they are satisfied and continue to be loyal customers. I’ve found what you do in response to making a mistake is what really makes the difference.

Account executives need to be talented salespeople. Do you have experience making sales?

I was a leading salesperson from 2005 to 2012, meaning I have nearly seven years of experience closing sales. At this point, I consider myself a master at reading clients’ tone and figuring out how I can meet their needs. I know the account executive position has a much lower focus on making sales, but I still believe I am qualified whenever that need arises. Truth be told, I’m relieved that I will still have the opportunity to practice making sales.

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