5 Common Associate Product Manager Interview Questions & Answers

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: April 07, 2022

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Landing a face-to-face interview is no easy task. It requires an amazing resume and a polished cover letter. After perfecting these documents and receiving an interview, many job applicants assume that the hard part is over. This is not necessarily true. Interviewing is challenging, and you have to perform exceptionally well to impress the hiring manager and land the job.

Many people make the mistake of supposing that they will be asked basic questions like "Why do you want this job?" While it is important to have a response to this type of question, it is also extremely important to have a response to marketing-related questions that pertain to the job you are applying for as an associate product manager. The answers you provide to these questions will help the employer determine whether or not you are truly capable of performing the job. Great answers can seal the deal and advance you towards employment. To increase your chances of success, use the following five common associate product manager interview questions and answers as a guide.

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5 frequently asked questions and corresponding responses in an Associate Product Manager interview

Why do you think it is important to research a product before it is developed and launched?

Researching before you begin the product development lifecycle is crucial. You can learn a lot during this phase. Sometimes you learn that something very similar exists and you decide to scratch the product altogether. If you had moved forward, you would have lost the company a lot of money. During research, you also learn ways to improve the product or how to make it better than the competition. Although it’s easy to feel anxious to get started, I have learned from experience that if you do not take enough time to research, your chances of making mistakes along the way are higher.

As an associate product manager, you will oversee others. Can you give us an example of your management skills?

During my previous role, I was in charge of meeting deadlines for the promotion of new products. This was a busy time for our department. In order to meet the deadline, I had to assign each member of the team different tasks and check with them daily to make sure they were making progress. My delegation skills and scheduling ensured that we always met our deadlines. I also know that because I held my employees accountable, they performed their work on time.

Managers need to have effective communication skills. What ways do you communicate effectively?

As a manager, I feel like it is important to always give people time to complete assignments and communicate what is expected of them. For this reason, I like to check in with each employee for a few minutes each week to evaluate their progress and make sure they are held accountable. I also like to understand what ways people communicate best. I find that some people communicate better on the phone, while others are better through email. When I understand what method is best for each employee, I can communicate better with him or her.


What is one way you feel is most effective to promote a new product?

Throughout my career, I have worked on a variety of new product launches. Many have been successful and others have failed. With the prevalence of social media, I think that partnering with social influencers is a low cost and effective way to increase product awareness. When these influencers post content, such as blog posts, tweets, videos, and pictures about the new product, it generates a lot of buzz. Even better, social media spreads quickly. This allows you to get a large return for not a lot of investment up front.

Are you capable of compiling data for reports?

Yes. I have strong computer skills, and I am detail oriented. During my last job, one of my roles was completing the weekly marketing and product reports. I also had to analyze the metrics to determine how our products were performing and if changes were needed. From my efforts, I was able to implement changes to increase are sales and improve our marketing promotions. It helped me to recognize the importance of even the most basic reports.

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