6 Common Risk Manager Interview Questions & Answers

Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW
By Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: April 12, 2022

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No matter how many times you do it, you’re probably just a little bit nervous before an interview. You know that even though your cover letter and resume were good enough to earn you a spot in the interview pile, you still have a way to go in proving to your potential new boss that you have what it takes professionally to be an invaluable team member and an undeniable asset to their company.

It never hurts to take some time to study up before the big day, and maybe even grab a friend or family member and engage in some interview role playing. Aside from the obvious "Why should we hire you?" and "What is your greatest achievement?" type of questions, you'll want to brush up on some industry standards as well. Below is a list of risk manager interview questions and answers that should prove helpful when trying to land the job of your dreams.

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6 Risk Manager Interview Questions & Answers

Risk managers must be very detail-oriented people. Why do you think it is important to the profession to have an eye for detail?

Since risk managers are tasked with evaluating and assessing every aspect of a company that could either generate risk or need to be insured by disaster, it is important for them to have an all-encompassing eye. Anything neglected or overlooked could cost the company thousands of dollars down the road. My innate attention to detail and ability to piece together “the big picture” will be an asset to your company.

Risk managers must have a very technical knowledge of insurance in order to be effective. Do you have experience in this field?

My training and certification required me to learn about a variety of insurances and be technically versed in the ins and outs of various coverages and plans. There is a vast difference between personal insurance versus company insurance, and I have logged many hours making sure I understand the intricacies of how insurance companies can work for big businesses. When interacting with insurance companies, I have the technical know-how to always keep your company’s best interest in the forefront.


One of your duties would be to generate multiple reports throughout the year. Do you have experience writing and presenting reports?

My experience attending university and working in my previous jobs has prepared me for extensive report writing. I am able to generate detailed quarterly reports that cover all the relevant information. I also have extensive public speaking experience, and will be able to present these reports at meetings in a way that will be easy for the audience to understand.

You would be required to act as a liaison between our company and third parties, such as brokers and insurance agents. Are you comfortable being the face of the company to these individuals?

In previous positions I was tasked with representing the company at industry conferences and meetings. I am comfortable with the responsibility of putting my best face forward for the public and always standing up for the company’s best interest. Aside from always making sure to maintain a professional demeanor when interacting with clients or other third parties, I will always be firm in expressing the needs of the company.

Tell us about your experience preparing and amending budgets.

Budgeting is an integral part of risk management, and I bring with me years of experience in preparing and adhering to large, company-wide budgets. I also understand that unforeseen situations can create a need to reevaluate and heavily revise existing budgets, sometimes at a moment’s notice.

The very nature of risk management means that sometimes the unexpected happens and you will be forced to reevaluate the budgets and assessments you have already drawn up. Are you able to improvise and start from scratch when necessary?

It is important to be able to improvise and to know when changes are necessary. While deadlines are in place for a reason and allow for a smoother work flow, they also are subject to revision when needs arise more quickly than anticipated, or when outside forces set you back without warning. Handling the unexpected is a necessary aspect of this job, and I will rise to the occasion and manage appropriately.

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