6 Common Sales Agent Interview Questions & Answers

Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW
By Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: April 14, 2022

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If you want to get the job you’ve always dreamed of having, you will need to convince the hiring manager to look beyond your resume and cover letter and want to hire you during the interview. This is sometimes easier said than done, but there are many effective ways that you can prepare for an interview before you ever meet face to face.

Hiring managers have a list of common interview questions they love to ask, and if you know these questions beforehand and how to answer them in ways that will help you stand out among the competition, your chances of having a successful interview will greatly increase. Read the following list of sales agent interview questions and the accompanying answers to get an idea of what to expect during your next interview as you prepare for what could be the next step towards the position you've always wanted.

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6 Sales Agent Interview Questions & Answers

How do you remain positive during a stressful interaction with a customer?

Remaining positive during difficult moments is a skill that I believe every insurance salesperson must master. I try my hardest to empathize with the customer and properly address his or her concerns and complaints. When you do this, the customer will usually understand that you are “on their side,” so to speak. I also use a professional and positive tone and avoid making any statements that could potentially make the situation worse. If the customer refuses to calm down or becomes disgruntled, I simply alert a superior and allow him or her to handle the situation further.

How to you know when to stop selling a product to the customer?

The vast majority of customers will let you know very early one whether or not they are interested in purchasing a product or service. If they show a bit of hesitation, you simply state that you understand their concerns. If they proceed to listen after this statement, I proceed to explain the benefits of the product. If they are overtly opposed to purchasing insurance, I do my best to respect this decision. You always want to avoid being aggressive or making the company look unprofessional. I never pursue individuals who clearly state that they are not interested in buying insurance.

What are your ultimate professional goals? Does it involve insurance sales?

My ultimate goal definitely involves insurance sales. In the future, I would enjoy assuming a managerial or supervisory role within the right insurance company. In this position, I would be able to apply the knowledge that I have spent years accumulating. That is why I intentionally seek out companies that encourage professional growth and expansion. I want to keep learning, and I would love to serve in a supervisory role or at least in a position that offers increased responsibility.

Do you feel comfortable working on a team, or would you prefer to work alone?

I feel that I have the capacity to perform high-quality work in both types of settings. I enjoy working with others because I have the opportunity to view my coworkers in action. I believe that working in a team provides workers with the chance to learn from others. Working alone allows me to develop my own approach, and I enjoy being held responsible for my own actions. Simply put, I have the capacity to exercise my professional abilities in both situations. In my past roles, I had to do both on a daily basis.

How do you remain motivated, especially when you fail to meet a quota?

Staying motivated can be difficult in the face of a failure, but it is necessary if you wish to be successful. Focusing on missed targets can take energy away from the present moment and cause you to develop a negative attitude. I always try my hardest to remember this after I fail to make a sale. You don’t want to let a single situation prevent you from making future outbound sales.

What resources do you use to keep abreast of industry developments and consumer trends?

The internet is always a helpful resource if you wish to understand your target demographic. I am always sure to use reliable resources that quote official statistics. Insurance sites offer the most information, but I also read business and consumer magazines to understand what consumers are looking for. These publications take the state of the economy into consideration, which is necessary to understand if you wish to work in the sales industry. These resources allow me to understand the state of the industry and whether or not consumers will be willing to spend their money.

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