Mechanical Engineer Cover Letter Example + Tips

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When it comes to applying for a job, most people focus on creating the perfect resume. A well-written cover letter can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview. By expanding on your resume and relating your industry-specific experience, skills, and accomplishments, you can highlight why you are the best fit for the job opening. Read this free mechanical engineer cover letter sample to see how to write a top-notch letter.

Dear Ms. Jones,

As a mechanical engineer with over nine years of industry experience, my diverse background includes valuable expertise in renewable energy. I am a hard worker who consistently extends the extra effort to exceed goals. My years of industry-related work creating process design and detailed automation have provided me with a comprehensive skill set.

I enjoy managing multiple projects and the reward of guiding a project from conception to completion successfully. I contribute professional communication skills, strong machine design techniques, and effective product management to help bridge gaps between manufacturing, engineering, and marketing.

My experience working in all aspects of the industry allowed me to diversify my expertise, perform various roles, and complete projects on time. I have utilized my keen attention to detail to convert my designs into production.

I am excited to learn about the opportunities for an engineering position with your organization and am confident that I would be a great asset to your team. Please review my attached resume. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.

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What to Include in a Mechanical Engineer Cover Letter

Whatever you choose to include in your cover letter, don’t just restate what you list on your resume. Your cover letter needs to offer unique and compelling details. Another valuable tip you can see from this free mechanical engineer cover letter sample is that you want to keep it to a single page. Include details of your background, borrow job description language, add a statement of appreciation to the conclusion, and direct the letter to a particular person or company in the opening.

Industry Specific Skills to Include

Tailoring your cover letter to your target audience is crucial, and this free mechanical engineer cover letter sample shows the value of consolidating skills into your background. Here are some of the qualities that are helpful for mechanical engineers.

  • Math skills: As a mechanical engineer, you need to use math principles including statistics and calculus to analyze, design, and troubleshoot issues.
  • Creativity: A creative mind is essential to design and build complex pieces of machinery and equipment.
  • Listening: You must listen to and analyze various approaches made by experts to complete tasks.
  • Problem-solving: You must possess excellent problem-solving skills to utilize scientific discoveries for designing and building beneficial products.
  • Mechanical skills: You need to apply basic mechanical processes and engineering concepts to new systems and devices.
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