There are so many different factors that go into the job search process, some of which you can control, and some you can’t. One you absolutely have control over is the quality of your CV. The industrial pharmacist CV example we’ve created can show you what a real CV should look like and how you should order the content in it. To help you write a better professional summary, education section, and other parts of a traditional CV, you can also read a few pieces of advice we’ve written, specifically geared toward creating impressive industrial pharmacist CVs.


Eamon Morris

123 Fake Street, City, State, Zip Code

E: P: 000-000-0000

Professional Summary

Hard-working, studious, and persistent scientific professional with a broad range of experience in the field of medicine development. Able to lead large teams and meet company deadlines while still producing high-quality, safe, and consistent medications. Fully capable of using all major laboratory technologies efficiently to improve processes and output. Dedicated leader with the belief that teams perform best with regular, honest feedback and an open dialogue about performance.

  • Medical education at prestigious institutions ?Medication development and testing experience
  • Understanding of and adherence to safety standards
  • Advanced analytical thinking and problem solving abilities
  • Foundation in Chemistry and Biology
  • Ability to maintain focus and drive in stressful environments
  • Strong intellectual curiosity
  • Experience working with a wide range of laboratory equipment
  • Formulaic and rational approach to processes
  • Focused on delivering high-quality work on time
Work Experience
Director of Research and Development


Company Name

  • Lead a team of scientists in medicine development work.
  • Monitor staff duties and adhere to strict deadlines and standards for safety and quality.
  • Coordinate the research, clinical trials, testing, and quality assurance activities for department.
  • Report to company board and stakeholders regularly on treatment development.
  • Develop and implement new processes for quality testing resulting in 70 percent fewer interruptions of work and fewer safety incidents.
  • Identify and fix any issues regarding personnel or process inefficiencies.

Industrial Pharmacist



  • Followed procedures when developing new medications.
  • Received perfect evaluation scores regarding safety, accuracy, and general performance on a regular basis.
  • Conducted research into the development of medications and treatments for common and more rare conditions.
  • Completed projects under budget and on deadline.
  • Collaborated with fellow team members in the development of revolutionary medication for company.

Industrial Pharmacy Research Assistant




  • Maintained a clean and orderly work environment.
  • Assisted other scientists in the completion of research and development.
  • Trained in industrial pharmacy subjects.
  • Used sophisticated technology to measure, prepare, and test medications.

Contributing Writer/Editor




  • Wrote and edited scientific articles for leading industry publication.
  • Spoke on industrial pharmacy topics at top conferences.


PhD in Biology


New York University
City, State
Master of Science in Chemistry


Harvard University
City, State
Hobbies and Interests

Love to read mystery novels of all sorts, from classics to modern thrillers. Write short mystery fiction from time to time and have received small awards for writing. Play classical and jazz piano in local groups and ensembles and occasionally act as accompanist for musicals and other performances.



Industrial Pharmacist Job Overview and Tips

What Does an Industrial Pharmacist Do?

Industrial pharmacists differ from other pharmacists in that their duties and responsibilities are primarily concerned with researching and developing medications and drugs to treat various human ailments. Industrial pharmacist jobs may require extensive medical education, including a doctoral degree in a scientific area, in addition to other training and research in the area. Industrial pharmacists may complete a variety of different duties related to medication development depending on what company they are employed at and the extent of their experience. Industrial pharmacist jobs are somewhat similar to those of medical scientists. Beyond just the development of treatments, industrial pharmacists may also have a hand in ensuring safety and maintaining consistency in terms of medication components. Advanced education is key for this job, as you can see from the multiple degrees listed in the industrial pharmacist CV example included here.

Tips for Creating a Great Industrial Pharmacist CV

For even more help, consult this roundup of best practices for a fantastic industrial pharmacist CV:

  • Do work hard on creating an impressive professional summary. As an industrial pharmacy professional, you should absolutely highlight all the education you have undergone. If you have reached a position of leadership, this is also a skill you can highlight.
  • Do show potential employers how you have grown throughout your career. Put leadership positions in industrial pharmacy first, then continue on to lower ranking positions, such as assistant scientist.
  •  Don’t neglect the editing step of your CV. Industrial pharmacists need to undergo a lot of education, and poorly edited, typo-filled CVs will not be acceptable to potential employers.
  • Do use a readable font. The size of your font shouldn’t be any smaller than 10 point.

We can help you build your professional CV

  • Professionally designed and formatted templates
  • Expert suggestions for filling out every section of your CV, customized by job title
  • Easily create different versions of your CV, customized for different jobs
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