Smart Working Strategies to Kick Off the New Year

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: October 26, 2022

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Work smarter this New Year: 5 tips

Are you ready to jump start your career and launch into the new year with energy and ambition? Are you ready to take your relationship with your employer to the next level? Are you ready to learn new things, face new challenges, and do more than what’s asked of you, so you can work your new accomplishments into your resume and open new doors for yourself outside of your current company? If so, our team believes in you! We know that you can accomplish whatever you set out to do, and here at MyPerfectResume, we’re standing by to offer the guidance and encouragement you need to face the obstacles ahead. Here are some tips that can help you start moving in the right direction.

1. Make a plan.

If you’re a natural planner, you’re probably doing this already. But if you aren't, give this step an honest try. Start by opening a blank file or a fresh notebook page and actually writing down a list of your most important goals. Then take the goal at the top of the list and determine where you need to be in June if you plan to accomplish this goal by December. Then decide where you’ll need to be in March if you want to reach your mark by June. Then decide where you’ll need to be the end of January. Then decide where you’ll need to be by the end of this week. Take each major milestone and break it down into smaller ones until you have something tangible you can work on TODAY.

2. Open communication channels.

If you want a better relationship with your boss (or your employees, or your coworkers), you’ll have to make the first move. Start with honesty, forthrightness, and trust. Don’t try to manipulate others into liking you, respecting you, obeying you, supporting you, or leaving you alone. Just ask for what you need. If necessary, explain why. Words are your friends. Use them.

3. Fix your mornings.

For most of us, mornings are the hardest part of the day. But since the morning sets the tone for the day, and the day sets the tone for your entire life, a few tweaks in your six AM routine can have a powerful impact on the quality of…well, everything. Start by turning off the TV and going to bed at a reasonable hour. Remove the TV from your bedroom and turn off your tablets and other devices at least an hour before your established bedtime.

4. Be nicer to people.

This is also a very small move that cam transform the way others treat you. If you want to be heard, start by listening when others talk. Don’t interrupt. And if you want to be understood and respected, be patient with those around you. We’re all going through something, and the struggles of others are just as important as yours. In a sense, the kindest thing you can do for yourself is simple: be kind to the person next to you.

5. Get more done by working on fewer things.

Take a look at your mile-long to-do list…then delete half of it. Then delete half of what remains. Problems often have a miraculous ability to solve themselves, but only if you let them.

Make a bigger impression by slowing down and tackling one problem at a time. MyPerfectResume can help. Visit the site and use our job search tools and career building resources to get the support you need.

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