6 Common Clinical Liaison Interview Questions & Answers

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: August 30, 2022

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In the growing nursing and healthcare industry, the good news is that there are many choices for job opportunities for those looking for work. The best jobs, however, must be secured by creating a great resume and putting together a strong cover letter. Additionally, if you want to be hired for the top organizations and the most prestigious of jobs, you have to display strong skills during your interview. One of the best ways to achieve this is to prepare by understanding what the common clinical liaison interview questions and answers are.

With a job related to nursing, it's important for the hiring manager to see the human behind the qualifications and the experiences. Demonstrating your passion for the field and your caring spirit can help you position yourself well for final consideration. Making sure you portray yourself as having expert knowledge and ability is crucial as well to give yourself the best chance of getting hired.

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6 Clinical Liaison Interview Questions & Answers

Can you give me an idea of your clinical experience from your nursing career?

My nursing experience started with my education in college and my internship, and I built my medical background with all of my coursework. Once I began my rotations, I finally got a chance to learn the hands-on part of the profession. My first job in nursing had me working in the emergency room of a major hospital as a triage nurse. This position put me right into the action of a large city, with a variety of patients of all ages. I have experience stabilizing patients who have been shot or stabbed repeatedly. I have worked with individuals who have gone into cardiac arrest, and I have also had to work to calm combative patients.

Being a liaison means providing a link between patients and their care. Tell me how you think you could help provide the best connection between these two factors.

The most important thing with being a liaison is advocating for the patient. I make it a point to listen to the patient’s questions and to carefully review the patient’s medical history when making important decisions about care. Once I have all the important information, I can then make the best recommendations for what next steps need to happen.

Another big part of this job involves communication with medical providers, families and insurance agencies. How do you think you rate when it comes to your communication skills?

I have excellent written and verbal communication skills. I am very capable of detailing my concerns in writing for reports or other specific documents. I am skilled with discussing patient matters over the phone with insurance providers and know how to escalate issues when needed. My entire career has been working with doctors and other medical practitioners, and I have never had problems discussing patient care with them. I’ve always found myself enjoying conversations with families the most and seeing how much they care for their loved one is truly inspiring. Even during the most difficult of conversations, I try to be as sensitive and understanding as possible.

For this type of position, you are going to need to generate referrals for possible admission. How do you find possible patients for specific facilities?

It’s important to have a relationship with the local area hospitals and patient social workers, in this case. Checking in with my contacts from these medical facilities can help generate a constant stream of patient referrals for my place of business.

How have you dealt with difficult patients or challenging co-workers in the past?

In the nursing field, there are always some patients who give you trouble, so it’s important to stay calm and to not take it personally. In those situations, I try to help as much as possible and make the patient feel secure. For difficult co-workers, I learn to work peacefully with the individual and focus on the common goal we share.

What do you believe is going to be the biggest challenge with this position?

I think the juggling of the different roles may be somewhat of a challenge for a clinical liaison. This type of job requires both nursing knowledge and some sales understanding as well. It’s important to make the best decisions for the patient and put that before everything else. However, the goals of the organization need to be prioritized for many reasons as well.

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