How Would Your Coworkers Describe You?

Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW
By Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: October 26, 2022

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When you sit down for a job interview- the hiring manager might ask you- “How would your coworkers describe you?” This is one of the most typical interview questions to be asked- and the person asking it is looking for more than a simple “good” or “nice.” Another way this question could be asked is- “How would your boss describe you?” The reason this question gets asked a lot is because an employer wants to know how well you fit into a group dynamic. He or she wants to know you will be capable of playing well with others- and can work alongside other individuals to solve problems. No matter what job you are trying to get- you will need to interact with other people regularly- and you should have a good enough personality to where you can work with almost anyone. With a little preparation- you will be able to knock these interview questions out of the park.

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How to Answer the "How Would Your Coworkers Describe You" Interview Question

Ask coworkers what they think

Are you unsure of what people really have to say about you? Without a solid foundation- it will be a lot harder to answer- "How would your coworkers describe you?" The easiest thing to do is to speak with your current coworkers and get their honest appraisal of your work ethic. You can also call up former colleagues if you do not currently have a job. This provides you with the most accurate adjectives that could be used to describe you- and it will come in handy if a prospective employer calls one of your coworkers as a reference and he or she says the same thing as you. You can also look back on past performance reviews to see what people have said in order to answer these interview questions thoroughly.

Talk about one trait with a story

It is one thing to simply say you are dependable- but how do you prove that to a total stranger? You do not want to merely give a list of adjectives your coworkers would say about you. Instead- focus on one attribute that accurately describes your work ethic. For that attribute- think about a time where you showcased that trait at the workplace. When telling a story- it is crucial that you do not just make something up. The hiring manager will likely want you to expand on your story- and if you are lying- it is going to show. Finally- always end your story from what you took away from the experience. Did you learn something valuable? Did you benefit the business financially in some way? Getting specific is the ideal way to answer- "How would your coworkers describe you?"

Talk about multiple traits with short descriptions

If you want to discuss several aspects of your personality- then you do not want to drag on giving a long story for each one. Instead- simply give the trait and a quick and concise explanation for why you feel it is an accurate descriptor. For example- if you are going to answer that you are fun- then you might want to say something along the lines of how your boss trusted you to plan the office party. Sometimes a short sentence is all you need to get the point across.

Sample "How Would Your Coworkers Describe You" Interview Answers

1. I'm sure if you asked my coworkers- they would describe me as organized and friendly. My boss wanted to execute a cross-promotional campaign with other local businesses in order to make the public aware of our presence. She trusted me with the finer details of pursuing the project- which entailed visiting various local businesses and asking if they wanted to exchange fliers or other promotional materials. This involved keeping a detailed record of everyone I visited and what they were willing to contribute. I also needed to have a friendly- personable demeanor in order to get on everyone's good side. In the weeks following- we ended up getting a lot more business- and my boss tasked me with training other people on how to do it.2. I think if my coworkers were to describe me- three words would come to mind: punctual- hard-working and trustworthy. Punctual because in the five years I have been working at the company- I have never once showed up late- and you can talk with my boss to confirm that. Hard-working because I never leave the office early until an assignment is finished- even if it is Friday and I am itching to leave. Finally- people would call me trustworthy because my boss entrusted me to help with conducting employee reviews- which involved talking to everyone and hearing several anecdotes. All information that goes through these meetings must be kept confidential- and I am proud to say I have never broken trust with a colleague.

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