5 Common Life Insurance Agent Interview Questions & Answers

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: April 14, 2022

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After your resume and cover letter have been submitted, you might be thinking you are in the clear. However, if your materials are good enough, then you should expect to receive a phone call or email about going in for a face-to-face interview. This is the part of the application where you really need to put your best foot forward, because you only get one chance to make an excellent first impression.

Most people prepare responses for more general interview questions, such as talking about greatest strengths and weaknesses. While that is certainly something to think about, you also need to be ready to respond to questions that have a more direct correlation to the job you want to get. Reading over some sample life insurance agent interview questions and answers is a great training method. The following are some inquiries to ponder as you get ready for the big interview.

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5 Life Insurance Agent Interview Questions & Answers

How do you remain positive when you get more "no" than "yes?"

I always try to maintain a positive demeanor. With some clients, when I hear them say “no,” I can just tell that no matter what I say their mind has already been made. I do not see a point in trying to convince those individuals to purchase a policy. Therefore, I put an emphasis on clients who say “no” but may just need a put in the right direction. I always enter the meeting with all the materials I need to show a prospective client the additional benefits of purchasing a policy with us, and on more than one occasion, I have successfully turned a “no” into a “yes.”

What would you say to a client who told you he or she could get the same policy from a different company at a lower price?

I would tell that customer, “Look, if price is all you are concerned about, then by all means, get your policy from our competitor. However, when you get your policy from us, you can be certain you are getting a much more comprehensive policy. We can combine your life insurance policy with long-term care and health insurance. It may be more expensive now, but I am sure it is going to pay off in the long-term.”

How do you convey to clients that they are important?

At my last job, I made it a point to learn the names of every client I signed. I also like to learn a little bit about the people I work with, so I always ask them about their children, parents and anything else that shows I remember conversations. I also make it a point to contact all clients every couple of months or so in order to check in and see if there is anything they would like to change about their current policy. These are small actions, but I have found that they are quite advantageous.

What traits do you believe make an insurance agent effective?

Something I have found is that people do not necessarily like it when agents utilize too much sales pressure. Purchasing a life insurance policy is a big decision, and it is not something people want to be forced into. We get enough sales pressure when we are trying to buy a new car, so I try to create a warm atmosphere that sets people at ease. I try to frame policies in a way that shows it is ultimately in the individual’s best interest to obtain it.

Have you ever sent a potential client a document containing a grammatical error or typo?

Early on in my career I had a bad habit of sending prospective clients documents that contained difficult-to-understand language. Most people do not have an in-depth understanding of insurance terminology, so I quickly learned that I needed to phrase things in a way that a layman could make sense of it. I have not received a single complaint about my documents being hard to understand in the last five years.

By having stories prepared regarding your previous work experience, you will be ready for any life insurance agent interview questions and answers. Never underestimate the power of proper and thorough preparation.

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