5 Common Talent Acquisition Coordinator Interview Questions & Answers

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: April 12, 2022

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Your resume and cover letter both make a significant impact on your application for a job position. Nailing these will set you up for an interview. If you are at that stage, now is the time to do what you can to prepare yourself to answer questions. Hiring managers conduct interviews in order to get a solid estimation of the work ethic and performance capabilities of the candidate that they are questioning. When you have this face-to-face meeting, it allows hiring managers to ascertain your personality and what you yourself say you have to offer.

Interview questions come in general and industry-specific forms. Reviewing the questions that will typically be asked of someone applying for the specific job you are about to interview for is just as important as studying general interview questions. The examples below are commonly asked talent acquisition coordinator interview questions and answers. Read them over to set yourself up for success.

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5 commonly asked questions and responses in a Talent Acquisition Coordinator interview

Give an example of a time when you demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills, and in particular when it comes to seeking out talent.

There was frequently a need for new staff when I worked as assistant manager at a restaurant, due to the high turnover rates in the industry. I was tasked with interviewing job candidates in order to determine who would be the most effective replacements. When I began recruiting people, our restaurant experienced a decrease in turnover rates of over 20 percent. I attribute this to my selective process and my knack for asking the right questions. In that job I also led the team a lot of the time, and the fact that I kept everyone motivated and ready to work hard is also a demonstration of my interpersonal skills.

Do you have any career goals in the human resources industry?

I enjoy recruitment because it allows me to play a front line role in picking out the team of people I work with. I think the people that you work with are really important when it comes to any job. That being said, I would like to continue working in this industry and eventually gain enough experience to become a human resources manager. The reason for this is that I really care about making a job experience the best possible scenario for all workers involved. That’s why I got involved in human resources in the first place.

How would you go about a recruiting process if you were to join this company? Detail the search as well as the interview process.

I would start by making the content for a page on the company website that reaches out by advertising our open positions. I would make sure the page gave clear details as to the requirements to apply for the position as well as a description of what would be involved in the job. I would extend the search by emailing potential sources of candidates, such as college professors who could reach out to students and alumni. I would show up at job fairs to talk to people in person and see who is interested. The interview questions would be focused on identifying which candidates are the most knowledgeable about this company’s industry, and also to identify their primary strengths and weaknesses.

What kind of experience do you have that shows you are ready for a position acquiring talent for this company?

I already talked a bit about how I conducted interviews in my management position in the restaurant industry. I have also undergone training to prepare myself to be a great human resources worker. I think one thing that really demonstrates my capabilities and dedication is the fact that I went through training to be certified as a Certified Professional through the Society for Human Resources Management. I invested time and money into completing the program to make sure I was fully prepared for a job in the industry.

Suppose you had to choose between two equally qualified candidates. How would you go about deciding which one to extend a job offer to?

I think the interview process is really important when it comes to selecting candidates, so I would use that as the primary way of distinguishing them. Whoever gives the most confident answers and is most passionate about joining my team would be more highly considered. I would also look for the person with the longest amount of time working in the industry.

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