5 Common Urgent Care RN Interview Questions & Answers

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: April 12, 2022

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Whether you just graduated or have worked in the health care field for a long time, you have been preparing for years. Your resume is spotless, and potential employers have taken note. The final step in securing a position is the interview. Ace it, and you may be starting your new career in a matter of weeks.

While you will be asked many general interview questions, preparing for specific urgent care RN interview questions will put you a step ahead of other candidates. Urgent care clinics are unique in the medical field for their reliance on customer service for client retention. Your interviewers already know you are qualified. They will pay particular attention to your interpersonal skills and abilities to demonstrate high-quality customer service, among other abilities such as your aptitude for teamwork and multitasking. Review the following common urgent care interview questions and use the sample answers as a template for forming your own.

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5 Urgent Care RN Interview Questions & Answers

Are you organized?

Absolutely. I thrive on order. If a little time is invested in getting everything in its proper place, the whole world runs smoothly. During my time as a bank teller, I was able to develop a systematized flow. I consistently had the quickest moving lines and the fewest mistakes. By my sixth month I had been promoted into management. My manager encouraged me to go into banking and accounting. While I did thrive in a work environment where structure and efficiency were so valued, I also missed the human connection element. This is why I chose to pursue nursing instead.

How do you ensure your patients are comfortable and informed?

Patient interaction and satisfaction is always improved by clear, intentional and respectful communication. In my last position I worked with an incredibly talented physician. Unfortunately, he struggled to connect with his patients, preferring to spend his time treating and analyzing rather than talking. I saw many patients who would have benefitted from his care migrate to less able doctors because they didn’t feel listened to. While I had great respect for his abilities, I was able to sit down and spend the time clearly communicating with each patient in a way he was not able to do, answering questions and making sure they felt their needs were met. My role of intermediary became very valuable. Within a year patient retention had increased by 30 percent.

Describe a time you went above and beyond with a patient.

Patient interaction is the highlight of the job for me, so I don’t consider what I do “above and beyond,” but there is an instance that comes to mind. A young mother came in with a cranky, sick toddler. She was clearly at her wits’ end. Her son was uncomfortable already, and the last thing he wanted was a stranger handling him. It was a slow day, so I was able to simply sit with the mother and little boy until he settled down in his mother’s arms. When he had a chance to become a little more comfortable with my presence, I was able to do everything I needed before the doctor came in. The mother was clearly relieved and thanked me several times. Because I took just a few minutes to slow down and get on his level, I was ultimately able to treat them faster and get them on their way. I saw them return a few times over the next year or two, and the mother always remembered my name and greeted me with a smile.

How do you stay on top of industry developments?

I actually just returned from a nursing conference where I participated as a speaker on methods of patient retention. Outside of subscribing to a few medical journals, I have maintained an active presence in the nursing community. This open dialogue with others who are as passionate as I am about healthcare has facilitated my ability to keep up my knowledge of current advancements.

What is it about this urgent care RN position that interests you?

I loved my last position, but the range of clients was limited. Diverse patient bases offer a learning curve and a challenge that I thrive on. I have also spoken with several people who have received care here, and they all gave glowing recommendations for their quality of care and the attentive service they received. When I saw there was an opening, I knew I had to apply.

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