What Motivates You to Do a Good Job?

Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW
By Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: February 27, 2023

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When it comes to interview questions- one very common one asked by hiring managers is “what motivates you to do a good job?” This question could be presented in other ways- including “what drives you to succeed?” and “what motivates you to effectively complete tasks?” When a hiring manager asks this question- they are likely attempting to discover more than the things that motivate you. They want to know about your motivation habits and consistency. It is a rather broad inquiry that seeks to learn about your personality and enthusiasm towards working. It can additionally tell managers about your personal expectations.

Whether or not you are asked this particular question- it is a good idea to prepare a response that adequately answers it. Getting your words together in advance can really cut down your stress prior to the interview. All you have to do is consider your specific abilities and think about how you can provide an answer that highlights your outstanding motivational habits. With some good thought- you will be able to stand out among other job candidates while answering this question.

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How to Answer the 'What Motivates You to Do a Good Job' Interview Question

Be enthusiastic when answering

While enthusiasm is essential throughout the interview- it is especially important when answering interview questions like this one. You do not want to be caught off guard in front of the hiring manager by not having a good response ready to go. If you are- you could come off very unmotivated- and that would show the hiring manager right there that you have problems with motivation. When speaking- make sure you are very engaged in the conversation to show that you are passionate about the particular position. This will show you are motivated to do your best.

Be specific

When a hiring manager asks what motivates you- you must absolutely avoid being general. If you are general- you may give the impression that you are talking around the question and that you do not know how to answer. Simply stating that you like working with people- for instance- will not typically be good enough. Hiring managers want to know more and want you to go into more detail. Show them that you will be excited to complete daily tasks by letting them know why you like building teams and working with others. If you can ask yourself why at the end of a statement- know that you will need to take it a bit further. Remember to relate the things that motivate you to the job you are interviewing for. Additionally- money should not be one of the answers.

Pro Tip: If the job you are applying for represents a career change for you, review resume samples for your new job title to ensure you understand the job, it's tasks, and required skill set.

Be honest

To benefit yourself in both the short and long run- you've got to be genuine during the interview. Experienced interviewers have the ability to determine how sincere you are just by looking at your body language and listening to your tone and language. If you show that you might dislike the nature of the job you are interviewing for or if you do not have the right mindset- you may come across as unmotivated. If you are truly motivated to do something- it will show in everything you do and say. When speaking with a hiring manager you must be honest and real when it comes to talking about your personal motivation.

Sample 'What Motivates You to Do a Good Job' Interview Answers

1. I am highly self-motivated in all I do- both inside and outside of a work setting. When I set out to do something- whether it is an assigned task or a personal endeavor- I always give it my all- exceed expectations and pay close attention to each and every detail. Success is also a motivator for me- as I have a strong desire to succeed at work for the betterment of organizations and for my own personal achievements. I also have an outstanding ability to stay focused on projects from beginning to end and meet deadlines with excellent organizational skills- keeping up the quality of work throughout the duration of the tasks.

2. When it comes to success- I have several motivators. I have extensive experience with coaching others and showing them the ins and outs of the job. I thoroughly enjoy teaching others- and watching people succeed at what they do truly motivates me. Building great teams drives me as well- because when smart- creative people come together- it is amazing how they can complete exceptional and difficult projects. Another motivator for me is helping to save companies money. In my previous job- I saved the company money by implementing strategies to cut costs- and it was a very rewarding experience.

Now that you know how to answer one of the most commonly asked interview questions- you can go and exceed expectations at your next job interview.

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