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Regional Resources
- CareerJet
- An international employment search engine. You can search by keywords and location or browse the jobs by industry or location. They also offer subsets of the mega database by country. Select the CareerJet Worldwide tab to view the list of countries and target your search a bit more effectively.
- Jooble
- This career search engine claims to remove duplicate postings and to be much more specific as to locations. Select your target country to be taken to jobs for just that area. Be aware that these will be in the native language of the various countries, so be prepared to read other languages besides English as Google Translate doesn't pick up quite everything. Jooble is based in Kiev, Ukraine, which may be one reason they provide excellent coverage of this region of the world. Nice!
- JobIndex
- Think of this as the Monster of Denmark. It claims to be the largest jobsite in Denmark, and also works as a job search engine, including all the job listings they can find on the internet in Denmark.
- JobsinCopenhagen
- "No. 1 in Denmark for English speaking Professionals." They list jobs in which English is the main working language. They cover more than just Copenhagen, covering "jobs from Aalborg to Malmo." Nice jobs too, and for your application you are connected to the host site. They also have a good list of resources and services that will help you in searching for work or considering a relocation to Denmark. One of the several European sites from JobsInNetwork, a central site for English speaking job opportunities in Europe. "Currently we feature jobs in Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Rome and Stockholm with Paris and Geneva soon to come."
- StepStone Denmark
- One of the many national job sites offered by StepStone ASA, a pioneer of online recruiting based in Norway. In Danish.
- Work in Denmark
- "Denmark needs foreign knowledge workers to contribute new expertise and thereby strengthen trade and industry, innovation and research in Denmark." To help attract these professionals to Denmark, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has created this website with all kinds of information on living and working here. You also have easy access to several jobsites with lists of excellent opportunities. I reviewed the English version of the site.
Most of these listings and the annotations were provided by Heidi Viljamaa of CareerStorm in Helsinki. I am grateful to her for the time and effort since I don't read Finnish. I do, however, check the links to make sure they are still active.
- Adecco Finland Oy
- Listing employment opportunities in Finland, Adecco Finland has offices in several locations around the country. Please note that even if you select the "English" option for the site, the majority of the information is still in Finnish, so you will need a certain level of fluency in this language to review the jobs. Adecco is a worldwide leader in providing human resource solutions.
- Ministry of Employment and the Economy
- Operated by the Finnish government this site is a good starting place for job search in Finland. The site is available in Finnish or English. This site includes listings of thousands of job opportunities all over Finland and links to job openings in Scandinavia and rest of Europe, but that database is in Finnish. Includes a nice guide for Foreigners working in Finland which is available in Swedish, English, Estonian, Russian, French and Polish.
- Jobly.fi (was Monster.fi)
- Was Monster.fi. "We inspire, encourage and help you to find and choose the most suitable career opportunities for yourself – easily."
- Aarresaari, Academic Career Services.
- This JobBoard is kept up by Finnish university career services. Links to different Internet job sites in Finland and abroad in addition to their own job postings. An English version is also available.
- Bravo Bemanning AS
- A staff recruitment company that supplies and qualified personnel to the Norwegian and Swedish labor market. Their specialty is skilled labor and professional engineers, but all positions require you to be fluent in English. Workers with current passports or work visas for EU countries are most welcome, but other persons with the right skills and experience are also welcome. Yes, they have some general jobs listed, but you are welcome to send them your CV. Contact information is on the site.
- Jobb Safari Norge
- A job search engine for Norway. You can either select from the job categories and regions on the front page or execute a keyword search. When you select the job that interests you, you are taken to the originating organization's website to read the full announcement and apply. Operated by the folks at JobIndex in Denmark. This is part of the JobSafari International network, and you can access the the other sites from the bottom of the front page.
- Nav.no
- If you are a foreign jobseeker wishing to work in Norway, you are probably wondering where to start. Where can you find vacant positions? You will find good information on nav.no that can help you.
- Jobb Safari Sverige
- A job search engine for Sweden. You can either select from the job categories and regions on the front page or execute a keyword search. When you select the job that interests you, you are taken to the originating organization's website to read the full announcement and apply. Operated by the folks at JobIndex in Denmark. This is part of the JobSafari International network, and you can access the the other sites from the bottom of the front page.
- JobsinStockholm.com
- Jobs in Sweden really, but the important feature is none of the jobs listed here requires any language other than English. One of the several European sites from JobsinNetwork, a central site for English speaking job opportunities in Europe. "Currently we feature jobs in Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Rome and Stockholm with Paris and Geneva soon to come."
- NyTeknikJobb
- Classified ads from Sweden's largest technical news magazine. Used to be Nordic Jobfinders.
- Blocket Jobb
- Blocket Jobb is Sweden's new meeting place for employers and jobseekers. Find your next job among thousands of vacancies in Sweden and Norway
- Xpats.nu
- A website for the English-speaking community in Sweden. The team behind this site is a group of expats who now reside in Sweden and essentially wish that someone had told them all of this before they made the move. They do not identify themselves on the site, but they also don't ask for extensive personal info if/when you register. Some sections require you to fill in the free membership, but it is a simple form (email, name, password).
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