How to List a Degree on Your Resume

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: January 07, 2025

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Accurately and effectively listing your educational background is crucial when crafting your resume. This guide provides comprehensive instructions on how to list a college degree on a resume — including bachelor's, associate's, master's, dual, and unfinished degrees — to enhance your resume and improve your chances of getting hired.

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Why listing your degree on your resume is important

When writing your resume, display your degree to demonstrate your qualifications, areas of expertise, and commitment to education. Displaying a degree on your resume tells employers you have acquired the necessary knowledge, skills, and theoretical foundation for the role. It highlights your commitment to continuous learning and professional development and distinguishes me from other candidates who may lack similar qualifications. 

Where to place your degree on your resume

Typically, your degree information should be placed in the education section of your resume. This section is usually located after your work experience unless you are a recent graduate or your education is particularly relevant to the job, in which case we recommend you display it first.

Use this resume example as inspiration to start or update your resume, or browse our collection of resume examples for more ideas on how to list your degree

How to format your degree information

When formatting your degree information, follow these guidelines:

  • Write the name of the school or institution.
  • Write your degree and major.
  • Add your graduation date or dates attended. If you are still in school, write the date you expect to graduate. 
  • Add relevant coursework or projects for added impact. 

For example:

University of Pennsylvania
Bachelor of Art in Marketing, graduated June 2020
Relevant coursework: Digital marketing strategy, social media marketing

How to list an associate’s degree

When listing an associate’s degree, clearly state the completed degree, institution, degree type, and graduation date.

For example:


Community College of San Francisco
Associate of Science in Biology, Graduated May 2025

How to list a bachelor’s degree

When listing a bachelor’s degree, provide the completed degree information, the institution, degree type, and graduation date.

For example:


San Francisco State University
Bachelor of Science in Biology, Graduated June 2023

How to list a master’s degree

When listing a master’s degree, include the completed degree information, the institution, degree type, and graduation date.

For example:


University of California, Berkeley
Master of Science in Biology, Graduated May 2025

How to list an unfinished degree

If your degree is incomplete, be honest and clear about its status. Include the institution, degree type, dates attended, and expected graduation date, if applicable.

For example: 


San Francisco State University 
Bachelor of Science in Biology, September 2022 to Present
Expected graduation date: June 2026 

How to highlight honors and awards with your degree

If you received honors or awards, list them with your degree to highlight your measurable accomplishments.

For example: 


University of Arizona
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, graduated June 2020
Awards: Graduated magna cum laude, Dean's List 

How to include relevant coursework and projects 

For recent graduates or those with less work experience, including relevant coursework and academic projects can demonstrate your knowledge and skills.

For example:


University of Atlanta, graduated June 2018
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Relevant coursework: Thermodynamics, Fluid mechanics

How to list online degrees with certifications

Online degrees and certifications should be listed similarly to traditional degrees, ensuring you include the institution and any relevant details.

For example:


University of New Hampshire
Master of Science in Data Science, online program, graduated June 2022

Certificate in Project Management
Coursera, completed December 2019

See also:  Project Managmeent Skills: Examples for Your Resume

How to list multiple degrees

When listing multiple degrees on your resume, list them in reverse chronlogical order, with the most recent first. Include the institution, degree types, graduation date or dates attended  and expected graduation dates for each program.

For example:


University of Kentucky Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administraton, expected graduation date June 2025

San Francisco State University
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, graduated May 2022

Tips for listing degrees for different job titles

Tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for by highlighting the aspects of your education most relevant to the job. 

Below are some examples of how you might list a degree on a resume for various job titles. We recommend using a resume template to organize your education credentials professionally and effectively. 

Example for an IT role:


Drexel University, graduated May 2019 
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

See also:

Example for a marketing role: 


University of California, Berkeley 
Bachelor of Science in Marketing, graduated June 2015
Relevant coursework: Digital marketing, market research

See also: Marketing Resume Examples & Templates

Example for a finance role:


University of Vermont Bachelor of Science in Finance
Bachelor of Science in Finance, graduated May 2018
Relevant coursework: Financial analysis, investment management

See also: Best Finance Resume Examples

Example for a healthcare role:


DeAnza College 
Bachelor of Science in Nursing  graduated June 2025
Relevant coursework: Anatomy, patient care techniques

See also: 

Example for an engineering role:


DeVry University
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Enginering, graduated May 2014
Relevant coursework: Thermodynamics, fluid mechanics

See also:

Example for an education role:


University of Oregon 
Bachelor of Arts in Education, graduated May 2019
Relevant coursework: Classroom management, curriculum development

See also:

Example of a human resources role:


Loyola University 
Bachelor of Science in Human Resources Management, graduated December 2019
Relevant coursework: Labor relations, organizational behavior

See also: 

Example for a hospitality role:


University of  Nevada 
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, graduated August 2018
Relevant coursework: Hotel management, event planning

See also:

Example for an environmental science role:


Montana State University
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, graduate May 2021
Relevant coursework: Environmental policy, conservation biology

See also:

Example for a construction management role:


University of Minnesota 
Bachelor of Science in Construction Management, graduated December 2016

See also: 

Common mistakes to avoid when listing your degree

When presenting your educational background, clarity and accuracy are paramount. This ensures potential employers understand your qualifications and credentials accurately. Avoiding common mistakes in how you list your degree can significantly enhance your application's impact. Here’s a guide to navigating these pitfalls effectively, ensuring your academic achievements shine through clearly and transparently.

  • Being vague: Always be clear about your degree status.

  • Misleading information: Never imply that you have completed a degree if you haven’t.

  • Omitting dates: Always include the dates you attended the program.

  • Lack of context: Failing to explain why the degree is unfinished can confuse potential employers.

  • Unclear coursework: Not mentioning relevant coursework can make it difficult for employers to understand what you studied.


How do you list a degree on your resume?

When you write your resume, add your degree to in the education section. Include the degree type, major, institution name and graduation date. If the degree is incomplete or in progress, indicate this.

How do I list a bachelor’s degree on my resume?

Here’s how to list a bachelor’s degree on a resume: Provide the school name, degree type (e.g., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science), your major area of study, the name of and your graduation date. Add projects and coursework for a boost. 



University of Arizona

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature
Graduated May 2019

Project: Literary Analysis of 20th-Century American Literature

Description: Conducted an in-depth analysis of themes, narrative techniques, and cultural contexts in prominent works of 20th-century American literature.

How should I list an associate's degree on a resume?

Here’s how to list an associate’s degree on a resume: Include the institution’s name, degree type, course of study and graduation date.

Example: Education

Community College of Atherton

Associate of Science in Nursing
Graduated June 2017

How do you list your degree on your resume if it's incomplete?

Here’s how to list an incomplete degree on a resume: Include the institution, degree type and dates attended. Optionally, include the expected graduation date or clearly state that the degree is incomplete.



University of San Francisco, August 2017 – Present

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Incomplete)
Expected graduation: December 2025

How should I list a degree in progress on my resume

Here’s how to list a degree in progress on a resume: Display the institution, degree type and expected graduation date.



University of San Francisco, Expected Graduation: May 2025

Master of Science in Data Science (In Progress)

How do you list dual degrees on a resume?

To list dual degrees, add the most recent one first and work backward in reverse chronological order Add the name of each school, graduation dates, honors, awards, coursework and projects or theses. 



  • San Diego State University

Doctor of Philosophy in Social Psychology

Graduation Expected June 2026

  • PQR University

Master of Social Work

Graduated May 2020

  • Kent State University

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration & Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Graduated June 2018


How do I list a master's degree on a resume?

Include your master’s degree with the degree type, major, institution, and graduation date.



  • Master of Public Health
    University of PQR, Graduated August 2021
How do I list education on a resume without a degree?

If you haven’t completed a degree, list the institution, the field of study, and the dates attended. You can also include relevant coursework, projects, or skills gained.



  • University of Idaho
    Studied Mechanical Engineering, August 2016 – May 2018
    Relevant Coursework: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics
How do I list an incomplete degree on a resume?

Indicate the degree is incomplete by listing the institution, the degree type and the dates attended. Optionally, include a note about the expected graduation date.

Example: Education

  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (Incomplete)
    University of VWX, August 2019 – Present
    Expected Graduation: December 2025

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