Surgical Technologist Cover Letter Example & Templates

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Many people make the mistake of putting all their time and attention toward creating a perfect resume. While this is a good step, ignoring your cover letter can mean that no one even sees your resume. With a well-written cover letter, you are more likely to be invited to an interview, which means you are more likely to land your dream job. Consult a free surgical technologist cover letter sample, like the one below to get an idea of how you should approach crafting a cover letter of your own.

Dear Mrs. Hathaway,

If there is one thing I have learned in my 10 years as a surgical technologist, it is that attention to detail is key. As a part of your surgical staff, I will go above and beyond in ensuring that patient needs are met, protocol is followed, and every effort is made to ensure that positive patient outcomes are the standard. I believe that my experience makes me the ideal candidate for the job.

I have extensive experience in performing both front and back office tasks, including assisting with cleanup of surgical suits, proper handling of biological waste, OR prep, and demonstrating aseptic technique. Outside of the OR, I am confident in my ability to build and manage patient relationships and maintain strict confidentiality in all matters.

I am dedicated to providing the best, most competent support to OR staff, and understand the potentially life-altering implications should I fail in my role. This is why I am dedicated to setting a high personal standard for accuracy in my work.

My work ethic has led to being named Top Surgical Technologist at my current hospital for three years in a row. I will apply the same work ethic in your ORs should I have the opportunity. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to meet with you soon in an interview.

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What to Include in a Surgical Technologist Cover Letter

When creating a cover letter, it is essential that you make it concise and interesting. Don’t simply reiterate the information presented on your resume. This is an opportunity to present new, fresh information that makes you an enticing candidate. Maintain a professional tone, and take language directly from the job description. Finally, always show gratitude for whoever is reading the cover letter by thanking them for their time and consideration, as was done in the free surgical technologist cover letter sample above.

Industry Specific Skills to Include

As shown in our free surgical technologist cover letter sample, cover letters should be crafted to highlight your ability to fulfill a specific job. However, including some of the following industry-specific skills may be helpful.

  • Preparation skills: Properly prepare the OR, equipment and supplies for use during a surgical procedure.
  • Maintain sterility: Ensuring that all surfaces and tools remain sterile is vital to proper patient care.
  • Procedure Competency: Surgical technologists must demonstrate knowledge of procedure and protocol in handling instruments, catheters, sponges and drains.
  • Works well under pressure: OR environments can change in a moment. Technologists need to work competently under pressure to ensure patient safety.
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