Put your work experience and education in a format that is easy for employers to read by comparing your CV to this math CV example. The tips below are a great way to get started with a new document or update an existing one. With a polished CV, you are more likely to get a job interview, which improves your chances at getting a job. Here you will find information on how to organize your Summary, Skills, Work Experience, and Education. If you are seeking a position in research, pay special attention to the Education and Work Experience sections.


Janelle Madelyn White

123 Fake Street, City, State, Zip Code

E: email@email.com P: 000-000-0000

Professional Summary

Professional research mathematician focusing in manifold surgery and integration. Multiple papers published in the areas of differential topology and Kahler manifolds. Skilled with applying topological principles to physical areas including heat transference and deformation. Able to reevaluate solutions when errors are found and determine what existing work can be kept toward a new solution. Skilled editor and up-to-date on LaTex protocols.

  • Fluent in spoken and written German and written Chinese to better facilitate international research collaborations.
  • Able to recognize shifting priorities within theoretical problems and their applications.
  • Extensive experience in social situations regarding collaborations, grant proposals, and seminar organization.
  • Proficient in scientific software, including Symmetrica, The MathWizards MathViews, and SAS.
  • Detail oriented, especially when applying theoretic principles to physical applications.
Work Experience
Research Mathematician
June 2015 – December 2016



  • Co-mentored three doctoral candidates and assisted their advisors by pre-editing their papers.
  • Brought together disparate topics for a joint research endeavor in differential topology.
  • Chaired local topology seminar and invited two of the speakers.

Postdoctoral Research Associate
January 2014 – June 2015



  • Created four-part presentation on “Women in Mathematics and Beyond” for use in undergraduate program.
  • Co-authored two research papers on integrable manifolds.
  • Maintained rigorous research schedule with advisor.

Research Assistant
June 2012 – December 2013




  • Mentored undergraduates seeking high degrees.
  • Organized housing for visiting students during summer seminar.
  • Earned the “Who to Watch” award in the area of Applied Differential Research.

Teaching Assistant
August 2011 – May 2012




  • Assisted with undergraduate Real Analysis, Differential Geometry, and graduate Measure Theory.
  • Gave weekly lectures to supplement professor’s presentations.
  • Held study sessions to prepare for exams and qualifiers.

Math Lab Tutor
August 2009 – May 2011




  • Provided safe and quiet environment for students to study math and receive help.
  • Assisted students with math topics ranging from College Algebra to Calculus III.
  • Taught students how their textbooks are meant to guide their study.


PhD in Mathematics
December 2013


University of Chicago
City, State


Hobbies and Interests

On the weekends, I volunteer at the local no-kill clinic by cleaning animal cages and walking dogs. Patronage of local artists is important to me, so I am on the board of directors for the local armature theater, assisting with budgeting and fundraising, as well as assisting the gallery in curating pieces by local artists. I also share custodial duties with a few other family members for a small farm out of town.



Research Mathematician Job Overview and Tips

What Does Math Do?

Mathematicians lead the field in computational study and education. Pure research mathematicians expand on existing theorems and devise new conjectures while those with an applied focus tie these logical points into new and existing physical systems. Some applied areas of employment include computer science, physics and energy production. It is important to highlight one’s analytic skill and research experience in a math CV, as this math CV example does. A general CV is acceptable when looking at a wide range of jobs, but a focused CV in your research interest is better for targeting the job you want. When making a transition from education to research, be sure to highlight how your teaching skills benefit research. For example, the social skills used in a classroom are often lacking in pure and applied mathematical research.

Tips for Creating a Great Math CV

  • Put all work experience for any current employer in present tense to highlight that this work is ongoing. For all other jobs, use past tense.
  • Avoid overused words in your work experience, such as responsible for and accountable for. Also, avoid using the same work multiple times. A thesaurus can help with this.
  • Order your work experience starting with the most recent and working backwards. The same is true for your education background.
  • For a research mathematician CV, it is appropriate to list high profile referees from the dissertation process.
  • When listing specific courses, avoid the basic subjects required by all mathematicians. This includes Real Analysis and Abstract Algebra.
  • Keep your CV to one page; only go to two pages if you have more than 10 years of experience. If you use two pages, try to limit the first to 10 years.
  • Have another set of eyes look over your CV when you are finished. Another way to catch typos and errors is to read your CV out loud.

We can help you build your professional CV

  • Professionally designed and formatted templates
  • Expert suggestions for filling out every section of your CV, customized by job title
  • Easily create different versions of your CV, customized for different jobs
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